Vietnam Stats

58,148 Veterans Killed
304,000 Veterans Wounded
75,000 Veterans Severely Disabled
2,700,000 Served:
Average Age was 22 & 25% were Drafted
30.4% killed were drafted (average age was 21).
61% of men killed were 21 or younger.
7,484 women served in Vietnam — 83.5% were nurses.
1 out of every 10 who served in Vietnam was killed.
997 were killed on their first day in Vietnam.
37,085 Vietnam Veterans are homeless.
Almost 50% of all homeless veterans are Vietnam Era Veterans.
1967 Poverty Line — $1,600.00/year
1967 Yearly Pay on Average for a Soldier in Vietnam — $998.00
They were WOUNDED or even DIED for below poverty level wages!
For a list of casualties by state, click the button below.
Hometowns are included.

You just finished high school and are not planning on going to college. A notice shows up, saying you have been drafted. Just 16 weeks later, you are in a fox hole in a Vietnam jungle being shot at. You witness death all around you. Those images would never leave your mind.
You’re now 70, and still see the killing.
“Thank you for your service” rings hollow to these people.
Help us do something special for as many of these veterans as we can.
This will help with the healing process and help them enjoy life again.
Please make a donation and pass our website along to your friends and family.
Encourage them to donate and spread the message.
Any amount helps.
Thank you for helping us thank them.