From Our Heart

Fellow Americans,
In 2007, John was an U.S. Army infantryman and non-commissioned officer fighting in southern Afghanistan. That summer, after four years in the Army, John was wounded and decorated for his service before being discharged. That was the end of John’s service, but not the end of his war. When he returned home, John was plagued by the physical injuries and emotional scars that he had suffered in combat. In time, these burdens overwhelmed his marriage and derailed his civilian career. After his marriage ended, he soon lost his job and became homeless. Today, over a half million Americans, like John, are homeless. Over 10% of these disadvantaged Americans are veterans and 25% are children.
At iHEART Veterans, we believe that this is a national dilemma and an unacceptable fate for too many of our citizens, especially those who have served.
We believe that these challenges can and will be conquered by the traditional qualities that American veterans are renowned for: teamwork, innovation, discipline, and boldness.
The leadership of iHEART Veterans seeks to provide round-the-clock access to basic goods and supplies in low-income and affordable housing facilities, as well as to those living on the streets. We seek to accomplish this by fielding automated vending machines stocked with an array of affordable personal hygiene items and nutritious foods. At the same time, our corporate goal is to employ and empower veterans who have honorably served to help them attain the American Dream. We have partnered with a number of veteran organizations and private industries to achieve these goals.
Our plan will be accomplished through two strategies. The first is to partner with non-profit groups – such as Soldier On – to employ veterans and field machines in areas where the logistical challenges of the disadvantaged are most severe. Our second strategy is to create a revenue stream that will allow veterans and non-veterans to purchase franchises and operate machines in exclusive territories to empower them economically.
American veterans personify the virtue of “service before self” and make the sacrifices that are the foundation upon which the other pillars of our nation – life, liberty, livelihood, property, and contract – stand. America owes much to its sons and daughters who have served, but sadly many face challenges in realizing the American Dream after their service ends. At iHEART Veterans, we operate under a simple philosophy that every veteran understands: teamwork. This is best expressed in our corporate motto: Veterans Helping Veterans.
Our plan is to field our machines, stock our inventories, and maintain our operations through a network of veterans. At the same time, our strategy will enable disadvantaged Americans to have access to the things that they need to live healthy, happy, and dignified lives. We hope that you will join us in this mission and help us give veterans the opportunity to prosper while serving our communities. Help us enable veterans, like John, to reclaim their lives.
God bless America and those who served.
Let us help our homeless brothers and sisters before it is too late.
The fastest growing homeless group are women veterans.
Vietnam era veterans account for over 50% of homeless veterans.
Let’s help them before they end up in their final resting place.