
iHEART Veterans Chief Executive Officer
Frank Julian is a supply-chain management expert with extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. His professional accomplishments include work with hundreds of companies across multiple sectors of industry.
This experience includes work with well-established entities, as well as start-ups. It includes companies and organizations like Digital Equipment, Los Alamos National Labs, U.S. Mexican Science Foundation, and numerous state economic development departments.
Mr. Julian earned his BS in Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts. He is also a disabled veteran of the U.S. Army and a two-time cancer survivor.

Director of Mission Mindfulness
Alex Julian has been teaching yoga and mindfulness meditation for over a decade. He is considered world-class when it comes to yoga and mindfulness. Further, Alex is certified in Yoga Warriors International — a style of yoga designed specifically for veterans. He is committed to helping veterans find inner peace. Nobody surpasses Alex in teaching mindfulness and yoga.

iHEART Veterans Advisor
Don McCaughey is a veteran of the U.S. Army Special Forces and has served as a paramilitary operator and consultant for the past 18 years.
He received his undergraduate degrees from Texas A&M University and Arizona State University, as well as a masters in public administration from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.